ASMHC11 assembler (DOS)
MiniIDE: an integrated development environment for 68HC11 and 68HC12 (Windows)
BASIC Compilers:
SBASIC compiler (DOS)
You’ll find a growing collection of SBASIC programs for MicroStamp11 in our Support Library.
BASIC11 compiler and IDE (Windows)
You’ll find a growing collection of BASIC11 programs for MicroStamp11 in our Support Library.
C Compilers:
GNU Embedded Libraries for 68HC11 and 68HC12
Other Languages:
TinyForth compiler (DOS) by Karl Lunt
Holon Forth for the 68HC11
XPad-- A Visual Design Tool (Windows)
a revolutionary StateDiagram-based language compiler with real-time kernel
- XPad is a free/low-cost software-development environment, which gives a complete visual design, programming, testing, documentation and building suite for MicroStamp11
- no keyboard required--just Point and Click visual programming!
- based on a compact real-time executive kernel
- includes complete ready-to-use libraries for use with MicroStamp11:
SCI, SPI, I2C, 1-wire, LCDs, servos, etc.
Tools and Utilities:
MicroLoad: free Windows-based loader for MicroStamp11
PCBug11 Debugger and Monitor from Freescale (DOS)
DOSBox enables you to run PCBug11 on any PC
TeraTermPro is a nice free terminal program for Windows
StampPlotLite is a visual graphing utility for Windows
Linux-based Tools and Utilities
Tutorials and Examples:
- Kennesaw State University Cirriculum
- University of Notre Dame MicroStamp11 Cirriculum
- University of Illinois ECE367 course labs (archive)
- University of Illinois student project
Installing the GNU C Compiler package (DOS)
Using the Free GNU C Compiler for HC11 and HC12
MicroStamp11 GNU-C Runtime